Wednesday 31 March 2010

Cat Bathing.

Today I had the wise idea of giving my Black Cat, Mr.Sushi, a bath. He smelled a bit fusty and had dirty feet, so I ran him a scented bath and prepared a towel.

My first task was to find him. I had locked him in, and I knew that he was in the house somewhere. So whilst on the phone to Danyelle, I began to hunt high and low for him. I looked under beds, behind toilets and in cupboards. I finally found him lurking under Scarlett's bed, right at the back, where on fist glance I had not seen him. As I went to fetch him out, I fell over, and caught my foot between the bed slats. I was already furious. I smacked my head on the chest of drawers on the way down, and then Sushi ran off into the kitchen, where he attempted the window. It was closed.

I caught him, took his starry collar off, and firmly plopped him into the bath. Where he scrabbled and scrambled, which was unusual because he usually enjoys the bath. He even gets in the bath when I am in it. Making me have to get out very quickly. I held him firm, and thoroughly washed him with mint and tea tree shampoo. I was talking away to him the whole time. I removed him from the bath, and, to my horror, he peed on my leg. I was so annoyed that I laughed (otherwise I would have gone potty) and just put him back in the bath, finally got him out and took him through to my room to blowdry him. 
I brushed and blowdried him to a perfect fluff. He looks like a chimney brush.

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